Gregory Clark
          - Professor of Economics - University of California, DavisA
            Farewell to Alms - A brief economic history of the world

Data on the History of the English Economy, 1150-1914

Note: The data series below are in excel files, with either an annual, quinquennial, or decadal frequency. Papers explaining the sources of the series and the methods used in the construction are listed after each series.

Series Documentation
Nominal and Real Wages, England, 1209-1869
"The Macroeconomic Aggregates for England, 1209-1869" Research in Economic History, 2010.
National Income, Prices, Wages, Land Rents, Population, England, 1209-1869
"The Macroeconomic Aggregates for England, 1209-1869" Research in Economic History, 2010.
Prices of 22 domestic farm products, 1500-1914 wheat, barley, oats, rye, peas, beans, potatoes, hops, straw, hay, beef, mutton, pork, bacon, tallow, milk, cheese, butter, wool, eggs, faggots (firewood), timber

"The Price History of English Agriculture, 1500-1914"

House rents (constant quality), average housing quality, 1550-1869 "Shelter from the Storm:  Housing and the Industrial Revolution"  Journal of Economic History, June 2002.
Rates of return on various types of capital, 1150-1320, 1540-1914. "Debt, Deficits, and Crowding Out: England, 1727-1840" European Review of Economic History, Dec. 2001
Farm Day Wages, 1208-1869 (nationally and by four major regions).  Annually 1670-1869.  By quinquennia, 1205-1669. "Farm Wages and Living Standards in the Industrial Revolution: England, 1670-1850"   Economic History Review, 2001 "The Long March of History: Farm Laborers' Wages in England 1208-1850"
Farmland rents 1208-1914.  By quinquennia 1670-1914, by decade 1208-1669. "Microbes and Markets:  Was the Black Death an Economic Revolution?" "Farmland Rental Values and Agrarian History:  England and Wales, 1500-1912"  forthcoming European Review of Economic History, Dec 2002
Estimated agricultural TFP, 1500-1914 The Agricultural Revolution and the Industrial Revolution, England 1500-1912 (June, 2002)
Estimated wheat yields and wheat prices, annually, 1208-1452. Markets and Economic Growth?  The Grain Market of Medieval England.

Charity Commission Data - Overall Description
Charity Commission Capital Returns - Codes
Charity Commission Capital Returns - Data
Charity Commission Land Rents - Codes
Charity Commission Land Rents - Data
Charity Commission Enclosure History - Codes
Charity Commission Enclosure History - Data
English Parish Data Set - Codes
English Parish Data Set - Data


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